Mar 19, 2024

Impact of Essential Features on RMM Software Pricing

Discover the key features shaping RMM software pricing and their impact on best-in-class uptime for Connected Products.

RMM Tech Explained
RMM Decision Guide

With the growing number of Connected Products (internet connected devices and smart hardware solutions) being deployed across the world, Remote Monitoring and Management (“RMM”) software has become indispensable for operators or managed service providers (“MSPs”) striving to deliver exceptional service and uptime. As Service Providers evaluate their RMM software options, understanding the critical features and functionalities that impact pricing is crucial for making an informed decision and for budgeting purposes.

This blog post will provide a detailed review of the key device management features and functionalities that impact RMM software pricing, offering insights to help make informed decisions across remote management solutions for IT assets or Connected Products. For a higher level introduction to RMM pricing, you can check out part one of this series here.

Endpoint or Device Integration Capabilities

One of the cornerstone features of any RMM software is its ability to seamlessly integrate with a wide array of endpoints or devices. The extent of this integration capability can directly influence the pricing structure of the RMM tool. A more comprehensive integration approach enables Service Providers to manage diverse networks of devices efficiently, covering everything from simplistic devices like laptops or mobile devices to complex solutions like self-service kiosks, digital signage, IP cameras, point-of-sale systems, or other Connected Products. The more extensive the integration ability, the higher the value delivered — and often, the higher the cost.

For example, it’s more valuable to an end user if they can deeply connect to every device in a Connected Product ecosystem (instead of just the controller / computer) or if there is an API-based integration to collect more robust data from the smart device. And while the cost can be higher for more advanced integration capabilities, the endpoint and remote management functionality enabled allows Service Providers to cater to a wider array of smart devices through one central platform and expand their remote troubleshooting abilities.

Out-of-the-Box Features + RMM Software Customization

The ability to drive value immediately with out-of-the box features like network monitoring, embedded antivirus capabilities, patch management, remote actions, and remote access is important in onboarding end users efficiently and enabling a base set of device management capabilities. Once onboarding is complete, the ability to configure and customize the RMM across operating systems (i.e., Linux, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android, Mac OS, RTOS, etc.), peripheral endpoints, critical software services, and other key business logic can drive more value for the report support team or help desk employees. Examples such as configurable real-time Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”), customizable remote actions, add-on dashboards, and other tailored modifications are common for an RMM platform that is used for a more sophisticated end user or for a more complex Connected Product solution.

This level of customization not only demands sophisticated software architecture but also supports Service Providers in delivering more advanced uptime capabilities. As such, RMM solutions offering more customization options may command a premium, recognizing the added value they provide in enabling rich endpoint management capabilities and a platform configured to specific remote support requirements.

Remote Actions and Remote Access Functionality

Robust remote control or actions, including the remote desktop / remote access ability, are pivotal for Service Providers, allowing them to address issues promptly without the need for on-site visits. The sophistication of these remote-control capabilities can greatly affect RMM software pricing. Features such as unattended remote access, scheduled remote actions, bulk remote actions, and the ability to configure custom remote actions or provide an “easy button” for script libraries specific to the endpoint management use case are highly valuable features.

Typically, the more comprehensive and user-friendly the remote command architecture of the software, the higher the potential price for the RMM software. Yet, this cost is offset by the increased efficiency and enhanced remote troubleshooting capabilities that reduce manual workflows.

Flexible Workflow Automation

Automation stands at the core of an RMM's value proposition and can significantly impact RMM software pricing. RMM solutions that offer advanced automation capabilities — such as automated device configuration updates, proactive alerts, self-healing remediation of issues, or automatically interacting with an API from a PSA or ticketing tool — enable MSPs and operators to reduce manual tasks, improve response times, and enhance bilateral communication with service desk tools. The breadth and flexibility of automation functionalities vary across RMM platforms, oftentimes directly correlating with their pricing. Investing in a solution with robust automation features that can be customized to a Service Provider’s ecosystem can lead to long-term operational efficiencies and cost savings, offsetting the potentially higher initial pricing.

Analytics and Reporting Abilities

Finally, the real-time analytics and reporting capabilities of RMM software play a crucial role in pricing structure. Advanced data analytics features provide Service Providers with actionable insights into network performance, product vulnerabilities, and support optimization opportunities. Similarly, robust reporting tools enable IT service / IT departments, MSPs, or remote operators to demonstrate their value to clients through detailed performance reports and trend analyses. High-quality analytics and reporting features require sophisticated data processing and visualization capabilities, often times contributing to a higher price point. However, these capabilities are essential for data-driven decision-making and proving the ROI of remote services to clients.


As Service Providers navigate the complex landscape of SaaS-based remote monitoring and management software for network devices or Connected Products, understanding the nuanced ways in which features like complex device integrations, out-of-the-box functionality vs. customizability, remote command architecture, flexible automation, and data analytics / reporting impact pricing is vital. These features not only define the software's capabilities but also its potential to drive business growth and client satisfaction. While higher-priced RMM solutions may offer advanced functionalities, Service Providers must evaluate their specific needs and potential ROI to make an informed decision. Ultimately, the right RMM software is one that aligns with the organization’s service goals, scales with their growth, and empowers them to deliver unparalleled IT management and Connected Product remote services.

At Canopy, we focus on providing a transparent process to understanding your device management needs and how they fit into our pricing models. For additional information on the various Canopy pricing plans and related data, visit our pricing page or reach out to our team though our website.

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