Oct 21, 2020

IoT Campaigns Are Now IoT Automations

Learn about our latest IoT Automation workflow release and its improvements to the Canopy platform.

Remote Management Tactics

The next time you log into our IoT platform, Canopy, you will notice a change in the name of one of our modules.

What used to be called IoT Campaigns is now … IoT Automations.

Why’d we make this change? We believe IoT Automations encompasses more of what’s possible in this module. It’s all about helping organizations automate tasks big and small. That sounds simple but the benefits are immense: automation can minimize human oversight of certain routine jobs, improve response times to problems and notify managers with updates on progress getting important things done.

Here are some of the other reasons why users love creating IoT Automations in the Canopy:

  • Ease of use: We created a dead-simple drag-and-drop interface that allows users to be up and running quickly. No programming skills necessary.

  • Flexibility: Pull in data and devices from across your enterprise and then configure a workflow to suit your needs.

  • Continuous updates: We’re always making improvements and pushing out updates to continuously help our users get more out of automation.

  • Great support: Have a question? Unsure where to start? No problem. We’re here to help. Just contact our incredible customer success team and we’ll lend you a hand.

Want to talk about automating a task in your organization? Excellent. We’d love to help you get started. Contact us today to set up a meeting where we can explore automation together.

Download the FREE eBook

Please fill out the following information to receive a free download of our informational eBook.

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