Apr 27, 2018

IoT Gives Owners & Operators in Self-Storage More Control

IoT technology makes it easier and more convenient for self-storage customers and its impact is growing.

Steve Pollak
Trends & Insights

Owners and operators of self-storage facilities are always looking for ways to better understand customer needs and drivers, while trying to improve operations, reduce costs and increase revenue.

Why do customers choose to rent from one self-storage facility as opposed to another?

Price and location certainly play a part. But, beyond those factors, customers have consistently cited ease of use as a major feature affecting their decision to rent at a self-storage facility. They want to be able to sign a lease quickly and then access the unit on their own terms, whenever it’s convenient for them.

IoT technology makes it easier and more convenient for self-storage customers and its impact is growing.

Our partner, PTI Security Systems, a technology and access-control company with devices deployed to more than 36,000 self-storage installations in 30 countries, is looking at how data, analytics and real-time management can impact customer satisfaction, business operations and create a better overall experience.

How is this better overall experience achieved? It’s simple, really. IoT enables smart facilities the same way it’s enabling smart homes. Owners and managers of self-storage locations can receive real-time updates on what’s happening at their businesses. Imagine being able to check on the front gate, the lights, the thermostat, the doors on the individual storage units and even the self-service kiosk at the front desk from anywhere and at anytime Facility managers and personnel can be on premise or offsite and still be able to centrally manage their locations and better serve customers.

In addition to those observations, IoT can also provide insights into sales and revenues. Self-storage facility owners can access data on the units to better understand customer behavior. For example, monitoring entry points like gates and doors as well as time spent in a unit can be used to draw correlations and identify patterns in customer behavior. Operators can see turn over as units are vacated and then booked by new customers.. Self-storage owners naturally will want to adjust their marketing to reflect those insights. With any luck, they’ll be able to retain current customers, while attracting new ones.

A typical IoT implementation will enable data and control the devices and systems or a facility. Entry gates, key pads, door locks, alarms, access control systems are all IoT endpoints. Within a facility, other systems like lighting, HVAC and audio can be integrated into an IoT platform.

Connecting devices and integrating systems within a self-storage facility is what IoT all about and how it automates and improves operations while enhancing the customer experience.

Don’t let the competition outrank you in customer satisfaction. Find out how an IoT platform like Canopy can provide help with self-storage operations as well as other features such as real-time monitoring and incident management.

Steve Pollak
Steve is a seasoned content contributor at Canopy, specializing in IoT, Remote Device Management, and RMM software platforms.

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