Aug 30, 2022

Remote Monitoring Industry Expands, Reaches New Horizons

The James Webb Space Telescope, one year into its space odyssey, has turned out to be the ultimate remote device.

Trends & Insights

Almost a million miles from the earth, the new James Webb SpaceTelescope is beaming back hundreds of unprecedented views of the universe, from distant galaxies to black holes, to newly formed stars.

Meanwhile, in a control room inBaltimore, a team of engineers is making careful, remote adjustments to ensure the telescope keeps up its historic work. The Webb telescope has turned out to be the ultimate remote device (did we mention there are 344 single points of potential failure?) and its monitoring and management is heralding a new day for the remote monitoring industry.

Industry reports demonstrate that companies are discovering an increasingly broad arrayof uses for remote monitoring and management capabilities and demand is on the rise.

Remote Patient Monitoring Market Grows, Increases Demand for Technology Solutions

The remote patient monitoring market is poised to be worth more than $166.5 billion globally by 2030, driven by an increased use of remote patient monitoring devices, telehealth, and an aging population with chronic illnesses.

Devices for remote patient monitoring are gaining in popularity. Remote patient care management can reduce the need for unnecessary doctor visits, hospital admissions and readmissions and improve overall access to healthcare.

During the pandemic, the necessity of remote patient care propelled forward an already growing industry. Now demand continues to spike for telehealth and remote patient care devices and options, which cut down on travel expenses related to in-person doctor visits, improve patient care, and increase access to healthcare and medical treatment options.

Remote device management and monitoring technology is enabling these improvements and allowing doctors and hospitals to expand their practices and services. This includes deploying the latest advances in medical equipment.

Doctors and hospitals can confidently purchase new medical equipment without the burden of being dependent on onsite tech support requiring expensive truck rolls.Instead, remote monitoring and management of devices and equipment can offer away to ensure uptime and keep equipment working smoothly.

Remote Work Practices Keep Companies Searching for Surveillance Options

Even before the pandemic, companies were seeking the best ways to track employee productivity and remote work performance, while increasing workplace security and improving facility management.

Remote monitoring and management software offers a way for companies to increase workforce efficiency, track employee performance and even better understand their customers. Monitoring employee activity can also have the added benefit of deterring crime, protecting assets, and preventing data breaches.

Demand for surveillance options grew significantly during the pandemic and has continued to increase in the hybrid workplace environment. Managers can gain abetter grasp on how employees are spending their time and help identify any performance issues earlier, for example.

Remote technology improvements also extend to facilities. Beyond just remote badge swipe monitoring, remote management technology can offer a one-view snapshot of all facility security and create alerts before systems fail or be customized to match a facility owner’s specific needs.

This technology also is creating more white-label options for facility monitoring companies wishing to expand their services.

Smart Water Solutions Present New Frontier

Water scarcity, drought and the need for effective water distribution have all created an arena of opportunity for remote management software and technology solutions.

Water utilities are seeking the best ways to monitor, manage and monetize water distribution and remote management technology can be crucial to improving the way those objectives are met.

Water networks mostly have centralized setups that include pumping stations, treatment plants and reservoirs that are all carefully monitored with sensors connected to centralized monitoring and management software.

But there can be gaps in the monitoring of water distribution, including reliable information about how much water is reaching customers, how much is lost during transmission and even the monitoring of contamination. This is where technology can produce vast improvements.

Remote monitoring software can be connected to sensors to track distribution network activity and detect issues before customers complain or leaks go unnoticed.Remotely managed devices can also help with the collection and analysis of real-time distribution data.

Industrial Power Monitoring Improves Electrical Infrastructure

The industrial power monitoring system market is expected to grow to more than $4.3million this year and reach a value of $6.5 million by 2032. Those gains are being driven by an emphasis on efficient power resources and reliable electrical infrastructure.

Unique systems are required to monitor industrial power consumption, including for the mineral, oil, and gas industries. Remote monitoring and management technology can also prevent costly and damaging malfunctions, creating a detection system that sends alerts before failures become catastrophic and one that collect real-time data and aid in unattended shutdowns of noncritical systems.

Outside of oil and gas industries, remote industrial power monitoring and management capabilities are also often needed in healthcare institutions, telecommunications, and governmental organizations, leaving the field open for solutions providers.

Technology Provides a Critical Partner

Remote monitoring and management solutions like Canopy serve as a vital partner across industries. Canopy lets you centrally monitor, manage and control connected devices at scale and can create and enable customizable remote monitoring and management solutions.

Canopy offers remote management options that can be white labeled and deployed across any existing system. As the range of remote management demands grow, the technology exists to create solutions for today’s challenges and to offer advanced methods to grow and enhance services.

We would love to show you what Canopy can do. Sign up for a free demo today.

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