Feb 7, 2023

What the Future Holds for Remote Monitoring and Management Software

The future of RMM lies in orchestrating a sprawling landscape of complex ecosystems, allowing companies to streamline their technology.

Steve Pollak
Trends & Insights

A notable climb in the adoption and use of remote monitoring and management software is helping a variety of companies and industries keep up with demand for new tech capabilities and uses. From streamlining the management of vast device networks, to significantly reducing device downtime, RMM platforms are poised to see their best year yet.

Growing Need

IT teams are eyeing a much easier path to device management as RMM software continues to drive improved results for keeping technology integrated with far less downtime and far more capabilities.

At their core, RMM software platforms offer a single, easy-to-use interface to effectively monitor and manage an array of disparate systems and devices. Companies can safely and confidently scale the use of technology with the aid of RMM, which allows for the control of end-user devices, servers, machines and networking devices.

Devices can be monitored in real time and technicians can be notified when issues pop up, allowing for faster fixes and minimal end-user impact. Better still, patches, upgrades and deployments can be made automatically and reliably across entire fleets of endpoints.

Practically speaking, RMM software offers a number of critical day-to-day functions including:

  • Updating operating systems
  • Collecting, organizing and analyzing usage data
  • Producing analytical reports
  • Streamlining alerts and troubleshooting
  • Automating various device maintenance procedures

But the future of RMM lies in seamlessly orchestrating a sprawling landscape of complex ecosystems, allowing industries and companies to expand tech offerings and greatly improve end-user experience.

Future State

The proliferation of RMM can be seen across a growing number of verticals, locations and uses.

Facilities Management: Post COVID-19 pandemic, flex work schedules and remote work gave rise to an increased need for an evolution in facilities management. From remote access systems to tighter surveillance, facilities managers have grown more dependent on RMM systems. Simultaneously, end-user expectations have shifted. Digital signage, touch-free access points and new automated features are becoming more commonplace, forcing facilities managers to invest wisely in the tech required to compete.

Smart Cities: IoT technologies are being used to build smart cities that are more efficient, sustainable, and livable. Sensors and other IoT devices can monitor and manage various city systems, such as transportation, energy, and water. Digital wayfinding signage has bloomed along city streetscapes and sidewalks, requiring RMM software to stay well-lit and operating.

Predictive Maintenance: IoT devices can be used to monitor and track the performance of industrial equipment, enabling companies to predict when maintenance is required and prevent costly downtime. Operators can get immediate and continuous feedback on the effectiveness of their production systems and make changes in real time.

Kiosk Networks: From airports to retail outlets, kiosks are now the common stand-in for human customer service. Promoting speed and efficiency for customer needs, kiosks smooth the way for autonomous, seamless transactions. RMM keeps kiosk networks humming, preventing downtime and malfunctions by remotely alerting trouble, and providing remote fixes for trouble.

Industries Transformed

Just as more uses for RMM arrive, more industries are being transformed by digital trends.

Hospitality – The trend toward digital and contactless services continues to gain momentum. Mobile check-ins, contactless payments, biometrics and voice-controlled transactions are becoming more widespread. Customers attached to iPhones want the same swipe-up experience and convenience with more of the things they do, including shopping and dining. Hyper-personalization is also gaining momentum. Customers checking into hotels are warmed by seeing their names on in-room TVs, and that takes RMM capability to run seamlessly. Fast-casual restaurants, meanwhile, are rapidly turning more and more to QR-code driven, remote experiences with ordering and purchasing and behind-the-counter kitchen equipment becoming more connected, helping owners gain efficiencies and sales.

Healthcare – Telehealth exploded during the pandemic. Already a booming industry, the demand for telehealth services is only expected to grow. Patients can more often be monitored and even treated with the help of remote devices. Providers and health insurers will continue to lean on RMM to reduce healthcare inefficiencies and even improve patient compliance as well as federal regulation compliance through better monitoring and facilitating patient care. Providers will continue to invest in the technology needed to advance telehealth’s benefits and RMM software platforms are a ready-made partner.

IT – IT departments have been transformed by RMM capabilities. Office device location now no longer matters, for example. RMM programs make it possible to see every machine on a network and monitor what is going on at all times, including laptop computers, building access systems and all office devices. Patches can be sent remotely and systems kept up and running without the need for a hands-on call. In the coming year, IT providers will continue to scale their capabilities no matter where each of their team members is located.

Finding Your Ride or Die

Just as RMM capabilities increase, so does the need for a partner who can help with seamless deployment and upkeep. Customer service from an RMM provider, especially ongoing, round-the-clock support is critical as industries take key steps forward.

Companies and industries making promises to clients and customers need to know that new systems will function properly and that support is always nearby, even if remotely.

Simplify your device management with Canopy. One dashboard gives you complete visibility and control, allowing you to respond to issues before they impact operations. Explore how Canopy can redefine your kiosk or signage solution, streamline operations, and reduce overall support spending. Contact us today to book a demo and experience the power of Canopy.

Let's talk shop.

Your product has unique needs. We get it! For more than a decade we've worked to support remote device management, adapting to every kind of connected product. But not yours — not yet! Let's talk.

Steve Pollak
Steve is a seasoned content contributor at Canopy, specializing in IoT, Remote Device Management, and RMM software platforms.

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